Tau sept color schemes
Tau sept color schemes

tau sept color schemes

I use the following paint scheme: -White spray undercoat. Here are my latest Tau models, finished this week: My scheme is based on the image of the Bork'an Sept in the soon to be outdated codex. This thread is crying out for some photos. The only differentiation when I define units is by doing the helmet of the commanding unit a different colour. As for defining units, or even unit markings I leave it all the same for the warriors. Skull white I'd recommend to any tau newbie.

tau sept color schemes

Of course that comes down to if you can paint well. I do like using tones when dry brushing gives the natural effect. I use dark green body armour, brown cloth, black shin armour and weapon bodies and bright red for unit markings and light sources.īoth sound pretty interesting. Sadly Seriously Considering Tzeentch Epic Fantasy awesomeness! Stormie 33 Newbie Posts: 21 Country: Darker then chaos itself. Add in some white and silver highlights and it looks pretty damned good. I do a light gray with dark gray tiger stripes for the larger sections and then black for the smaller parts. I personally preffer a skull white main, shadow grey backing scheme. So guys, what's your favorite colour scheme for tau? Bad Behavior has blocked access attempts in the last 7 days.

Tau sept color schemes